For more information or any query, please give us a call on this number
On the Mobile phone : this involves a simple text message, with a combination of 30 alpha numeric characters, giving us over a trillion plus unique combinations sent over as a SMS message. This code is then ready by a scanner – it’s not a bar code, but a secure SMS text code and the scanner works equally well for regular 1D bar codes. When read in by the scanner, it then communicates the code logic to the backend server, which then decodes the following :
Mobile number to which this code belongs
The dates/product for which this coupon is valid and more
The retail merchant ID valid for this discount coupon
The Scanner : A simple infrared scanner, it “reads” the text on the mobile handset, communicates with the backend server over WiFi, GPRS or Ethernet. Post verification at the backend server, the system then downloads additional data to the local scanner including :
SKU’s valid for this discount
Time of the day discount valid for
And more...
With POS integration : It can directly parse the information in the code into the POS terminal and bring in a seamless experience to the user on the final amount payable. POS terminals are generally programmed in c+ /c, and have an XML data exchange protocol. This protocol can be built into the scanner for a direct integration
....Simple, straight forward, fast and secure.
Analytics to the above : With a deep drill down analytics available at the backend system, capabilities here include information on :
Multiple services used by a unique MSISDN
Buying trends by a unique MSISDN
Responses to every campaign executed by a brand / campaign
Post campaign follow up with additional promos sent out…
And more...
To bring in an end-to-end digitization in customer engagement and mobile coupon delivery / redemption and an online reporting system for every point of customer engagement :
Coupon request / delivery – date /time /device MSISDN / promotion owner / promo category and with full details.
Coupon redemption – date / time / retailer / value etc.
Retailer re-conciliation – date / time / promo owner / products redeemed etc.
As an extension to the above platform –is the loyalty program, bringing in a customer engagement module for communication on loyalty points / new offers / upselling etc. and again bringing back to additional coupons / vouchers delivery / redemption etc.. Working on simple SMS text technology, with a secure 30 digit alpha numeric code, its compatible with every mobile device globally. Being a simple SMS based platform, it’s also easy and simple to use, combining the following :
Cell Broadcast for localized message / promo dissipation.
Reading the coupon requests from the users.
Coupon delivery to the handset and Coupon redemption at the retailer POS terminals.
Adaptations possible to the system :
Mobile Ticketing : can be easily configured for handling cinema / event ticketing. A unique SMS “token” is sent out over SMS to a user with the scanners installed at the event gates. Ticket holders come to the gate, have the SMS scanned and the ticket verified by the backend server. Authentication allows access or then denies if the ticket has already been used.
Mobile Money :
Bus Ticketing :
Hardware technology > Scanner Options :
Basic scanner
Scanner with the printer
Scanner + printer + display screen